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Coil Systems





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Maintaining Performance

maintain1A full range of services are available to suit your individual needs from initial assessment and reporting, to pressure testing or cleaning services through to repair for retubing, re-blocking and re-manufacture. With the vast experience available we can either produce coils to customer drawings, or a pattern-supplied unit.

To ensure the continued operation and best performance of your system, we offer several levels of Maintenance Support Agreements that can help extend the life of the coils. Our basic service is simply a twice yearly coil cleaning contract, based on three, five or ten years.

For most systems, this is all that is required.

This popular service, ensure that the coils are kept clear and clean of debris, thus maintaining heat exchanger performance. In addition to this, an annual report on the state of the system is also included, together with any recommended future action (if any) to be taken.

Out of sight, out of mind... Rooftop installations deteriorate quite quickly after 10 years or so, The Aluminium Fins start to corrode, affecting performance, and lead to eventual failure.

If you would like further information on our Maintenance Support services, then please call us or e-mail us at shawn@coilmaintenance.com


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Coil Maintenance, 2 Shogun House, 10-12 Davis Way, Fareham, Hants, PO14 1JF

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