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Coil Systems





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fabricationWe also have the in-house ability to produce custom-made plate work to meet in the individual customers requirements. All sheet-metal materials can be produced including galvanised, steel, brass, aluminium and various grades of stainless-steel.

If site conditions do not allow us to repair the equipment in situ, then we can undertake removal of the unit for return to factory in Fareham, Hampshire.

Here we have full facilities to test and repair them. In addition to the supply or repair we will, if required, undertake the removal of the old unit and the installation of the replacement.

Some larger coil units may be too big, or inaccessible for straight forward removal and replacement. In these circumstances equipment can be supplied as kits for our team of skilled engineers to assemble and install on site.


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Coil Maintenance, 2 Shogun House, 10-12 Davis Way, Fareham, Hants, PO14 1JF

Website Design: TES Communications.com